Swimming is open daily to the public! Our hours are from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. You may bring in snacks, drinks (no glass bottles), floaties, chairs, tents, etc. What you bring in, take back out! Let’s keep our beach clean and picked up so we can continue to be open to the public! Garbage bags are available at the check-in office and a dumpster is onsite right outside the gates. There is a water slide to enjoy, sand volleyball, or relax on the beach or bring your favorite floaties for the water! A limited number of chairs and picnic tables are available, first come, first served.
Rules to follow
- Clean up trash
- No pets, service animals need service vests on and papers
- No standing on the slides
- No smoking on the beach
- No glass bottles
- No illegal activity, i.e. drug use or minors consuming alcohol
- You must be 18 or accompanied by a parent or guardian. Your 18-year-old friend is not considered a parent or guardian. If another parent is bringing an underaged person, they need to get a signed waiver from the parent, which can be found on our page below.